Event Launch of Kangaroo Mother Care Global Position Paper and Implementation Strategy
Date May 16, 2023
Time 9.30am New York, 3.30pm Geneva, 7.00pm Delhi
Location Online


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Kangaroo mother care (KMC) – which is skin-to-skin contact for as many hours as possible with a caregiver, usually the mother, and exclusive breastfeeding – is a lifesaving intervention with the power to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of babies every year.

The World Health Organization has released new resources to support implementation and scale-up of KMC, in line with the updated recommendations for the care of preterm or low birthweight infants.

Two new policy and programmatic resources on KMC were presented at this event: a global position paper and an implementation strategy for health policy makers and programme managers – recommending KMC as the essential standard of care for all preterm and low-birthweight, starting immediately after birth, unless the baby is critically sick.

Stakeholders discussed their plans to support implementation and scale up of KMC.

This webinar was hosted by the World Health Organization, with the support of the Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.