Event Pathways to Scaling Playful Parenting Support: Enablers and Barriers to Scale Up
Date June 28, 2023
Time 8.00 - 9.30am (ET)
Language(s) English
Location Online


The Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN), LEGO and FHI360 (formerly Family Health International) presented this webinar on the implementation of parenting programs that are scaling up in Bhutan, Rwanda, Zambia, Serbia and Guatemala.

The Playful Parenting Community is a consortium of partners implementing and researching playful parenting programs moving to scale internationally, convened by the LEGO Foundation. It includes Save the Children in Bhutan; Child Fund in Guatemala; the Boston College Research Program on Children and Adversity & FXB/Rwanda in Rwanda; UNICEF in Serbia and Zambia; and FHI 360 as a research and learning partner.

Participants joined the Playful Parenting Community in a conversation about their journey over the past three years. They discussed the drivers and barriers to scale-up in distinct country contexts, the nuances of what it means to parent playfully across cultures, and the pathways pursued by each partner, from the types of service providers selected to how government has engaged at multiple levels and the modalities used to reach families.

The webinar explored different iterations of parenting programs implemented by each partner to support scale up, delving into the why and how of adapting programming as it moves to scale. Such adaptations have included varying program dosage, testing new modalities, and more. Participants learned how programs are reshaped with the goal of system integration and eventual scale up, with examples from five countries with ongoing programs.

Through this webinar, the Playful Parenting Community aimed to transfer real time learning on scalability of parenting programs to the wider ECD community, and sought to spark a conversation on what it means to implement and conduct research for scale.

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