Event Global Launch: Updated Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package
Date 16th April 2024
Time 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (NY time)
Languages English
Location Online


UNICEF’s Community Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Counselling Package is one of the most widely used IYCF training and counselling tools. The tool has been adapted and used in more than 90 countries.

After more than a decade of implementation, UNICEF has completed an extensive update of the IYCF Counselling Package incorporating valuable experience from its adaptation and implementation at country level along with new key technical elements including nurturing care, care of infants and young children with disabilities and feeding difficulties, and the prevention of all forms of malnutrition. The result is an up-to-date IYCF Counselling Package that UNICEF is excited to share.

The updated package is comprised of 1) a 5-day comprehensive training Facilitator Guide; 2) Training Aids; 3) a set of 38 counselling cards accompanied by 4) Counsellor's Book Part 1: Key Practices; 5) Counsellor's Book Part 2: Technical Notes; in addition to 6) Orientation Training for Supervisors and Mentors; and 7) Planning and Adaptation Guide.

This launch provided an overview of the new tool, and participants heard about country experiences in adapting it, as well as sharing other complementary tools to strengthen quality counselling and support behavior change.

The webinar was organized jointly between Child Nutrition and Development and Social and Behavior Change teams. The update of the Package was supported by USAID and executed in partnership with JSI.

Related links

The Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package