Babies being born during the COVID-19 pandemic are entering the world at a time of confusion and uncertainty. New questions have emerged on how to protect the health and safety of the babies and those who care for them while also still ensuring that all babies get the best possible start in life.
COVID-19 – Ensuring safe breastfeeding and newborn care: Lessons from countries is a webinar co-hosted by the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH) and the Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN). It begins at 09:00 EST on 7th July and will run for 90 minutes, aiming to provide guidance, address questions and provide practical examples to inspire solutions in your context.
The webinar answered the following questions:
- What are the global guidelines regarding breastfeeding and newborn care during the time of COVID-19?
- To what extent are Ministries of Health aware of and using these global guidelines?
- What strategies have been put in place at country level to ensure continuity of services; adherence to the global guidelines with quality; and protection for frontline workers, parents and children?
- Ornella Lincetto, Senior Medical Officer Newborn Health, MCA Department, World Health Organization
- Jennifer Cashin, Regional Technical Specialist, Alive & Thrive Southeast Asia
- Dr. Do Duy Long, Head of Assisted Reproductive Technology Department, Quang Ninh Hospital for Women and Children, Vietnam
- Denise Suguitani, Executive Director, Brazilian Parents of Preemies’ Association
- Nathalie Charpak, Founder and Director, Fundación Canguro de Colombia
You can watch the recording here.
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