This programme sought:
  1. To STRENGTHEN commitment and technical assistance for child and adolescent health and empower young people to advocate for their rights to health and well-being.
  2. To MOBILIZE and strengthen cross-sectoral partnerships and innovation for child and adolescent health research, advocacy, implementation, and financing in the next decade.
  3. To SHARE evidence-based research, disaggregated data, and emerging solutions to ensure improved health outcomes for babies, toddlers, children and adolescents.

The programme included multiple panel presentations from the nurturing care community. Recordings are available at the links below:

  1. An exploration of tools and delivery models to provide nurturing care for children living in humanitarian settings, WHO, UNICEF, International Rescue Committee (more) (thematic brief)
  2. An overview of the work undertaken in Ethiopia to advance the nurturing care agenda within the health sector and forge collaborations with other sectors, Ministry of Health (more) (brief)
  3. An overview of the nurturing care group model, World Vision International (more)
  4. An exploration of approaches and lessons learned with supporting maternal mental health through food security and nutrition programmes, World Vision International, PATH, Independent Consultant (more)
For more information and to watch the recordings from the 2-day conference (registration required to access the recordings):