Date: 11 January 2021 (Monday)
Time: 3 PM (Singapore Time) GMT+8
Duration: 90 minutes
The Asia Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC) hosted a webinar series entitled ‘Nurturing care for young children: seeking solutions for addressing disparities heightened by the impact of COVID-19’.
The thematic focus was on health and nutrition, early learning, responsive caregiving, and child safety and security, all of which are dimensions of nurturing care. The series explored the long-term impact of COVID-19 on these nurturing care components, especially on the most vulnerable groups, and drew out innovations and solutions from countries that have designed and implemented their recovery and resiliency plans.
This was the second webinar in the series, and it focused on the health and nutrition for young children in the Asia-Pacific region during and beyond the pandemic.
The following questions were explored:
1. What challenges did the delivery of health and nutrition services including maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) face, particularly for the most vulnerable groups of young children, during the pandemic?
2. How are governments and other partners redesigning health and nutrition policies and programs, including prenatal care, wasting, and stunting interventions, and immunisation to address these needs in the context of the pandemic?
3. What have been the successes in providing health and nutrition services amidst the pandemic? How are the needs of the most vulnerable groups being addressed? What challenges remain?
The webinar recording is available here: https://youtu.