Caring for the caregiver
This 5-minute recorded presentation provides a brief description of the Caring for the Caregiver (CFC) module. CFC aims to build front-line workers’ skills in strengths-based counselling to increase caregivers’ confidence and help them develop stress management, self-care and conflict-resolution skills to support their emotional well-being.This presentation is part of a series of presentations developed by the World Health Organization and UNICEF in preparation for a three-day virtual meeting in April 2021. The meeting brought together over 100 participants from 11 countries across South-east asia, including government representatives from relevant sectors, WHO and UNICEF staff, and partners. Participants had an opportunity to share experiences and identify priority actions for advancing the Nurturing Care Framework at national level.
Narration: Ana Nieto, UNICEF.
Related links:
• Caring for the caregiver
• South-East Asia multisectoral meeting (April 2021)
• Other videos in the series
Organization: World Health Organization, UNICEF
Year: 2021
Language: English
Web link: