Event Accelerating Progress to the 2030 SDGs – Reducing Inequity in Child Health
Date June 6-7, 2023
Languages English and French
Location Online


Currently 54 countries are off-track to achieving the SDG target for under-five mortality, and more will fall behind if we do not act with urgency. Against this grim reality, other countries have made tremendous progress in cutting back preventable under-five mortality showing that with determination and strong technical and political leadership, progress is possible. The Child Health Task Force has announced its first virtual conference to unite child health partners around how we address health inequities to enable children across the globe and throughout the life course to survive and thrive.

Participants joined child health partners from around the world for a conversation about how we might address health inequities to enable children to survive and thrive. They heard from inspiring speakers and expert practitioners, including:

  • Keynote speaker Dr. Atul Gawande, Assistant Administrator for Global Health, USAID
  • Professor Lisine Tuyisenge, Rwanda Paediatric Association
  • Professor Hadiza Galadanci, Africa Center of Excellence for Population Health and Policy, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria
  • Dr Queen Dube, Ministry of Health Malawi
  • Dr. Sangeeta Yadav, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
  • Dr. Anshu Banerjee, WHO
  • Dr. Lu Wei Pearson, UNICEF

Agenda At-A-Glance

agenda at a glance

The plenary, concurrent sessions, and virtual conference site was available in French and English.

Conference Objectives

  1. Identify key vulnerabilities and risk factors that perpetuate inequities in child health across the countries represented in the Task Force membership.
  2. Exchange promising and innovative programmatic and systems-strengthening solutions for reaching hard-to-reach children with lifesaving interventions.
  3. Share experiences, models, and frameworks for accountability, measuring, and evaluating progress in achieving child health equity.
  4. Gather inputs to develop recommendations for advocating for governments, global partners, and donors to commit to addressing inequities in child health through renewed energy and focus on child survival and wellbeing.

More information on the thematic tracks is available here.