Event Measurement of Pediatric Quality of Care: Lessons from Sierra Leone and Kenya on the Process for Integrating Pediatric Quality of Care Indicators in the National Health Information System
Date 19 October 2023
Time 8:00 am New York, 2:00 pm Geneva, 3:00 pm Nairobi, 5.30 pm New Delhi
Language(s) English, interpretation into French
Location Online
A webinar co-hosted by the Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and the Quality of Care subgroup of the Child Health Task Force


This webinar took a deep dive into the pediatric quality of care indicators and shared latest updates from pathfinder countries Kenya and Sierra Leone that moved ahead with efforts to introduce the pediatric quality of care indicators in their national health information systems. Country teams shared their experiences, lessons learned and next steps to advance pediatric QoC measurement at country level based on this effort, and the audience gained practical recommendations to adapt to their countries.

This was the second webinar in a series on pediatric quality of care co-hosted by the Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and the Quality of Care Subgroup of the Child Health Task Force.


Dr Anne Detjen, Health Specialist, UNICEF New York

Introduction of the pediatric QoC indicators and overview of WHO-led activity to support the uptake of the indicators in 4 pathfinder countries:
Dr Moise Muzigaba, Technical Officer, Epidemiology, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, Department for Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing, WHO Geneva

Experience from Sierra Leone and Kenya and next steps:

  • Mr Bernard M. Wambu, Senior Programme Manager, Monitoring & Evaluation and Health Systems, Division of Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health, Ministry of Health Kenya
  • Dr Makeba Shiroya, Technical Officer, Child and Adolescent Health, WHO Kenya
  • Dr Binyam Hailu, Medical Officer, Team Lead for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health, WHO Sierra Leone
  • Dr Hailemariam Legesse, Health Specialist, UNICEF Sierra Leone