Early brain and child development education and training modules
In response to this evolving understanding and a dramatic increase in research on early brain and child development, an expert workgroup of pediatricians and public health professionals revised five modules to provide the latest key information and resources on early brain development, toxic stress, ACEs, parenting and how to be an advocate in your community. In addition, a sixth supplementary module was created with a specific focus on the role of public health professionals.
Module 1: Building better brains - the core story of EBCD
Module 2: Toxic stress - why environment matters
Module 3: Adverse childhood experiences - what happens early can change lives
Module 4: Supporting parents and cultivating community relationships
Module 5: EBCD Advocacy: An opportunity to change childhood outcomes
Module 6: Early brain and child development: The public health perspective

Organization: American Academy of Pediatrics
Language: English
Web link: https://www.aap.org/en-us/advocacy-and-policy/aap-health-initiatives/EBCD/Pages/educationModules.aspx