Every newborn: An advocacy toolkit and guidance manual for ending preventable deaths
This guide offers practical tools for country programmes and stakeholders to support advocacy for improving newborn and maternal health and preventing stillbirths. It is especially important in countries with a high burden of newborn and maternal mortality. The document is by no means exhaustive but aims to provide a repository of quick reference and examples to the user. The toolkit shows how to undertake advocacy and communication in various national and local contexts, particularly in support of the global Every Newborn initiative, providing a wide range of options for outreach and advocacy activities tailored to specific audiences. It includes key messages on newborn and maternal health, as well as examples of letters to policymakers, briefs, press releases, social media content and other relevant materials to make the case for improving the quality of care and scaling up newborn and maternal health interventions.
Organization: UNICEF, World Health Organization
Year: 2018
Language: English
Web link: https://www.healthynewbornnetwork.org/resource/every-newborn-advocacy-toolkit-guidance-manual-ending-preventable-deaths/