Responsive Care and Early Learning Addendum Resource Collection
Services that integrate nutrition and caregiving result in better child outcomes. Responding to the lack of guidance and resources to support integration of services within nutrition and child health platforms, USAID Advancing Nutrition developed the Responsive Care and Early Learning Addendum package.
The contents of the package focus on promoting responsive care, responsive feeding, and early learning; monitoring children’s development; promoting and supporting caregiver well-being; and supporting children with feeding difficulties. The package is designed to support community-level counselors and health providers as they provide individual counseling and/or group sessions that encourage these high-priority caregiving behaviors for improved ECD outcomes.
The RCEL Addendum is a global package that gives programmes the flexibility to adapt the materials to different country contexts and audiences by adjusting the content and delivery modalities. It can be added or integrated into existing child health, nutrition, or infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling packages, including UNICEF’s Community Infant and Young Child Feeding (C-IYCF) Counselling Package, which is the model for the RCEL Addendum.

Related links:
Overview video
Overview brief
Responsive Care and Early Learning Addendum Video Series
Country Adaptation - Ghana
Country Adaptation - Kyrgyz Republic
Country Adaptation - Mozambique
IYCF Image Bank
Additional materials
Nurturing young children through responsive caregiving

Organization: USAID Advancing Nutrition
Year: 2024
Language: English
Web link: