This interactive country profile, developed by the Early Childhood Development team, uses secondary sources to compile national data alongside information on national policies and programs to highlight both the needs and opportunities for promoting optimal child development in Uganda. This profile complements the Countdown to 2030 Country profiles for early childhood development. Read More →

Within three years, Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health, alongside other sectors, developed a multisectoral approach to contextualize and operationalize the nurturing care agenda. This case study underscores the importance of consistent leadership and a harmonized vision to seed nurturing care at all levels and across sectors. The case study sets out the process followed in developing a vision shared by different sectors and stakeholders, assigning roles and responsibilities, developing strategic and operational plans, and building capacity to implement effective interventions at national and regional (i.e. subnational) levels. Read More →

This 2020 collection of “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” has been developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

As custodian agency of SDG indicator 4.2.1 on ECD, UNICEF was tasked to lead the development of a new measure to track progress against the related target. In response, in 2015 UNICEF initiated a process of methodological development that involved extensive consultations with experts, partner agencies and national statistical authorities. This led to the development of the ECDI2030. This captures the achievement of key developmental milestones by children between the ages of 24 and 59 months. Mothers or primary caregivers are asked 20 questions about the way their children behave in certain everyday situations, and the skills and knowledge they have acquired.Read More →

The 2020 Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development were launched on 23 November 2020. In this commentary in The Lancet, the authors share what can be found in the 2020 profiles. They also reflect on the progress and challenges with respect to understanding how children are faring worldwide.Read More →

This collection of country profiles has been developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored. The 2020 country profiles cover 42 ECD indicators and 197 countries, including 60 high-income countries (HICs), that encompass 99·8% of the world’s children younger than 5 years.Read More →

Note: You can access the most recent set of Early Childhood Development Country Profiles here. The “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for countryRead More →

This review aimed to deepen understanding of the effects of COVID-19 on nurturing care on young children in the Kenyan context. The review draws on empirical evidence from previous pandemics and epidemics, and anecdotal and emerging evidence from the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The review proposes program and policy strategies to guide the re-orientation of nurturing care, prevent the detrimental effects associated with deteriorating nurturing care environments, and support the optimal development of the youngest and most vulnerable children. Read More →

Dietary guidelines provide advice on what to eat but often do not take into account “how” to eat. Responsive feeding is a key dimension of responsive parenting, involving reciprocity between the child and caregiver during the feeding process and is characterized by caregiver guidance and recognition of the child’s cues of hunger and satiety. Evidence indicates that providing responsive feeding guidance to mothers on how to recognize and respond appropriately to children’s hunger and satiety cues can lead to improved feeding practices and weight status and developmental outcomes among infants and young children. Providing nurturing care to children has indeed been identified as a global priority but the feeding dimension remains untapped, in part, as a result of a lack of clear responsive feeding guidelines during the first 1,000 days of life.Read More →

Published in the Journal of Public Health (February 2019), “The effect of a community-based, integrated and nurturing care intervention on early childhood development in rural China” explores whether attention to nurturing care can promote developmental health and reduce developmental delays. The community-based program was implemented in four counties of China, serving parents and their children aged 3 and under. The intervention included attention to all five components of nurturing care. Findings suggest that attention to nurturing care can lead to a reduction in the prevalence of suspected neurodevelopmental delay in children.Read More →

A recent paper in The Journal of Nutrition recommends: “Expanding conceptual models of child development to include the 5 components of the Nurturing Care Framework”, and says: “…health and nutrition alone may not be sufficient if children do not experience the learning opportunities, responsive caregiving, and security and safety that are part of the Nurturing Care Framework.”Read More →

The evidence for combined interventions is growing! In this systematic review and meta-analysis of early life interventions, the authors found that interventions that resulted in effects on linear growth (e.g., nutritional supplementation) were not significantly associated with effects on cognitive, language, or motor development scores. To ensure benefits for linear growth and neurobehavioural development we need to go beyond nutritional supplementation programming and include interventions targeting caregiving behaviour and learning opportunities that support the development of cognitive, language, motor, and social-emotional skills.Read More →

Understanding donor, government and out-of-pocket funding for early child development (ECD) is important for tracking progress. This paper, published in the British Medical Journal’s Archives of Disease in Childhood, aims to estimate a baseline for the Nurturing Care Framework, with a special focus on childhood disability.Read More →

The authors of this article in Lancet Global Health (June 2020) recommend UNICEF revise its conceptual framework of malnutrition and death to align with the associated Sustainable Development Goals and ensure children survive and thrive. The proposed revised conceptual framework recommends creating enabling environments at all levels and ensuring interventions address all five components of nurturing care.Read More →

Note: You can access the most recent set of Early Childhood Development Country Profiles here. Affiliated with Countdown to 2030 women’s, children’s and adolescent health, these profiles of 91 low and middle income countries are the first step towards a global monitoring and accountability system for early childhood development. ClickRead More →