These 2023 “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

This report summarizes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nurturing care for early childhood development based on the latest available data and proposes priority actions and interventions required to safeguard this critical period and ensure children’s optimal development during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report also showcases UNICEF Country Office initiatives supporting early childhood development across the five components of nurturing care.Read More →

The WHO South-East Asia Regional Office, in collaboration with UNICEF, organized a 3-day virtual meeting to promote nurturing care for early childhood development. The meeting brought together participants from 11 countries, with participants including government delegates from relevant ministries (health, nutrition, education, child protection, women and child affairs), WHO and UNICEF staff and partners. Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →