NCF will be discussed at a pre-conference day and plenary session.

Panama City Panama

Particpants were introduced to the Nurturing Care Framework, which is helping identify gaps and opportunities for the health sector to advance ECD.

Harare Zimbabwe

The main aim was to review the report from the December 2018 Forum and agree on a multisectoral ECD approach and an ECD costed action.

Dar es Salaam Tanzania

In February 2019 the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office – Children’s Unit convened a meeting to develop a multi-sectoral early childhood care and development framework for the Kingdom of Eswatini, aligned to the Nurturing Care Framework.

Mbabane Swaziland

Generali and The Human Safety Net organized a Nurturing Care reception on the margins of the 2019 World Economic Forum.

Davos Switzerland

The Ministry of Health, with support from WHO, UNICEF and other partners including the World Bank, organized a multi-sectoral meeting to sensitize stakeholders to ECD and Nurturing Care.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia
12 Dec 2018 - 13 Dec 2018
PMNCH Partners’ Forum

The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH), alongside the Government of India, are hosting their 4th partners’ forum, with a concurrent session on the theme of multi-sectoral collaboration.

New Delhi India

Ahead of the PMNCH Partners’ Forum, an official side event was held to make links across sectors and explore the multiple roles undertaken by frontline workers.

New Delhi India

Home visiting has been identified as a key entry point for operationalizing the Nurturing Care Framework, with new training modules contain material on NCF.

Podgorica Montenegro

The U.A.E. Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, Dubai Cares, and the Emirates Red Crescent convened a meeting aimed at providing a quality early childhood development package for humanitarian and fragile settings.

Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates
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