This video library covers topics related to nutrition, breastfeeding, small babies, newborns, and childbirth. The videos are available in multiple languages and can be viewed on the site or downloaded. There are both videos intended for parents and videos intended for health workers and volunteers.Read More →

Infographics and posters that can be used in program and advocacy efforts related to breastfeeding. For other languages contact the regional or national UNICEF and WHO offices.Read More →

HealthPhone™ is a video reference library and guide to better health and nutrition practices, for families and communities, including the illiterate, in their language, distributed on mobile phones. There are over 2,500 videos in 70+ languages. Topics include breastfeeding, safe motherhood and newborn health, child development and early learning, child protection, and malaria. Read More →

The fourth edition of Facts for Life consists of 14 chapters filled with practical information about how to ensure children’s rights to survival, growth, development and well-being. Available in multiple languages, the topics address pregnancy, childbirth, major childhood illnesses, child development, early learning, parenting, protection, and care and support of children. Each chapter has three parts: an introduction, key messages and supporting information.Read More →

The tool aims to help Ministries and government agencies reflect on the ways in which they can support personnel delivering home visiting programs across sectors for pregnant mothers and caregivers with children under 3. Drawing inspiration from the UNICEF Pre-Primary Diagnostic and Planning Tool, this tool is intended for countries with home visiting programs at either the sub-national or national levels. The scope of this tool includes home visitors who work directly with young children and their families, as well as supervisors and trainers.Read More →

This two page summary looks at the five indivisible components of nurturing care: good health; adequate nutrition; safety and security; opportunities for early learning and responsive caregiving. It offers definitions for each and provides illustrative examples of interventions.Read More →

(Quatre pages). Les soins attentifs englobent les besoins des jeunes enfants en matière de santé, de nutrition optimale, de sécurité et de sûreté, d’opportunités pour l’apprentissage précoce et de prestation de soins adaptés.5 Les parents, les familles et les autres soignants principaux sont ceux qui dispensent des soins. Les politiques, les programmes et les services doivent donc être conçus pour leur permettre, ainsi qu’à leurs communautés, de répondre à tous les besoins des jeunes enfants.Read More →

L’investissement dans le développement de la petite enfance profite à tous – gouvernements, entreprises, communautés, parents et soignants, et surtout, bébés et jeunes enfants. Il permet également de faire respecter le droit de chaque enfant de survivre et de s’épanouir et a un bon rapport coût-efficacité. En effet, Pour chaque dollar US dépensé pour des interventions liées au développement du jeune enfant, le retour sur investissement peut atteindre les US $13.Read More →