These ten instructional videos, available in English, Arabic, French, Kyrgyz, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish, are for health workers and other early childhood service providers who work with mothers, fathers, and other caregivers of young children. The goal of the videos is to improve the quality of counseling and other services that promote responsive care.Read More →

En este marco se define el concepto de cuidado cariñoso y sensible y se presentan los 5 componentes esenciales para construir las bases hacia una trayectoria de salud y bienestar. Además, se proponen las cinco acciones estratégicas siguientes: 1) liderar e invertir, 2) centrarse en las familias y las comunidades, 3) fortalecer los servicios, 4) hacer seguimiento de los avances y 5) usar los datos e innovar. Read More →

El paquete Cuidado para el Desarollo Infantil (CDI) incorpora:
– Recomendaciones para proveedores de servicios de salud, personal de educación y aprendizaje para la primera infancia, así como proveedores de servicios comunitarios.
– Orientaciones que fortalecen las capacidades de las familias para la crianza de sus hijos en un entorno cariñoso, sensible y enriquecedor, lo mismo que soluciones a problemas comunes relacionados con el cuidado de niños pequeños.Read More →

The ‘Responsive Interactions for Learning’ course aims to develop practitioners´ understanding of responsive interactions and increase their ability to coach these interactions with caregivers. This blog post describes how the course was developed, where it has been used (Canada, Chile, Brazil), and learnings.Read More →

This short animated video, the third in a series focusing on self-care interventions during COVID-19, includes tips on how caregivers/parents can relieve some of their own stress from COVID-19 and use every day activities to continue emotionally connected, attentive and responsive to their child’s needs. The video is based WHO guidance on early childhood development and responsive caregiving. This video was produced by PMNCH, UNICEF, and WHO and created by Studio Eeksaurus with support from Medical Aid Films. It is available in all six UN language​s.Read More →

This video demonstrates how mothers with Covid-19 can breastfeed safely, providing their newborn with the best source of nutrition and protection to survive and thrive. The 60-second film was produced by award-winning Studio Eeksaurus of Mumbai with UK-based Medical Aid Films. The video is also available in the five official languages of the United Nations (Arabic, Mandarin, French, Russian and Spanish). This is the first in a series of videos regarding self-care during COVID-19. Read More →

This collection of country profiles has been developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored. The 2020 country profiles cover 42 ECD indicators and 197 countries, including 60 high-income countries (HICs), that encompass 99·8% of the world’s children younger than 5 years.Read More →

Capacitación realizada por la Dra. Jane Lucas, consultora de UNICEF, a padres, madres y cuidadores sobre desarrollo infantil temprano. Este modelo tiene como objetivo apoyar a las familias y cuidadores a desarrollar habilidades para establecer relaciones sensibles, receptivas y cariñosas con los niños y niñas pequeños, de modo a fomentar su desarrollo integral.Read More →

UNICEF propone una línea de 8 juegos diseñados con elementos cotidianos que se pueden encontrar en todos los hogares de Paraguay y que son perfectos para la estimulación de los bebés. Cada uno está recomendado para una edad determinada. Estos son: Bada Bum, Koreko Guá, Chiki Chiki, ConstruCrea, Kili Kili, Libro Bebé, Las Figus y Móvil Bebé.Read More →

This video library covers topics related to nutrition, breastfeeding, small babies, newborns, and childbirth. The videos are available in multiple languages and can be viewed on the site or downloaded. There are both videos intended for parents and videos intended for health workers and volunteers.Read More →

Infographics and posters that can be used in program and advocacy efforts related to breastfeeding. For other languages contact the regional or national UNICEF and WHO offices.Read More →

HealthPhone™ is a video reference library and guide to better health and nutrition practices, for families and communities, including the illiterate, in their language, distributed on mobile phones. There are over 2,500 videos in 70+ languages. Topics include breastfeeding, safe motherhood and newborn health, child development and early learning, child protection, and malaria. Read More →

The fourth edition of Facts for Life consists of 14 chapters filled with practical information about how to ensure children’s rights to survival, growth, development and well-being. Available in multiple languages, the topics address pregnancy, childbirth, major childhood illnesses, child development, early learning, parenting, protection, and care and support of children. Each chapter has three parts: an introduction, key messages and supporting information.Read More →