“If we change the beginning of the story,
we change the whole story.”
— The beginning of life
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Burundi: Cultivating political will and investment
The Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS, with the support of WHO, UNICEF, and the World Bank, organized two events in February 2021: i) a high-level meeting with the First Lady, Ministers, Parliamentarians, partners and funders to raise awareness and investment in ECD and ii) a technical workshop to support a common understanding of ECD across sectors and advance development of a national strategy for ECD.
Find out more here.
Madagascar: Advancing multisectoral collaboration
The Ministry of Population, Social Protection and Promotion of Women, with support from WHO, UNICEF and the World Bank, organized three workshops in November and December 2020: i) a high-level meeting with Ministers, representatives from the National Office of Nutrition and the Prime Minister’s office, funders and partners to raise attention to ECD and the importance of multisectoral collaborations, ii) a technical workshop to support a common understanding of ECD across sectors and advance finalization of a national multisectoral strategy for ECD, and iii) a workshop and site visit for journalists to encourage the media to use their platforms to bring attention to ECD.
Find out more here.