In an article published in 2016 by the World Economic Form, Linda M. Richter, Director of the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Human Development at the University of the Witwaterstrand, argues that low-cost interventions which facilitate and support nurturing care for infants in their first years of life contribute to lifelong health, wellbeing and productivity. The economic benefits of these interventions far outweigh the investment costs. “Simply put, we need to intervene earlier than we currently do.”Read More →

This guide aims to provide evidence-based messages, practical guidance, case studies and resources that can be used to promote parents/caregiver’s mental health during the COVID-19 crisis, with a special focus on adolescent caregivers. It is based on the Caring for the Caregiver prototype package, and was jointly developed by UNICEF, in collaboration with the University of Witwatersrand and Harvard.Read More →