Multisectoral national policies for early childhood development have been developed since 1979, yet until now the number of countries adopting them has not been systematically documented. This is a descriptive study conducted to assess historical trends in policy adoption, regional coverage, income levels, governance categories, and crisis countries. Read More →

This publication summarizes results of an international survey conducted by ECDAN in December 2021 to identify pressing research priorities, with a specific focus on low- and middle-income countries. The survey identified components of nurturing care (i.e., health, nutrition, child protection, opportunities for learning, and responsive caregiving) that should be prioritized in the next 12 months. Read More →

The research round up describes the nature and scope of 411 peer-reviewed, publicly available scientific research studies published during January 2020 and October 2021 (an average of 30 articles per month) related to early childhood development (ECD). The authors summarize who the studies have been conducted with; where the studies have been conducted; how they have been conducted in terms of research design; and priority research topics addressed so far. Nearly 85% of the included COVID-19 studies address themes of maternal and child health or nutrition. In contrast, 9% of the studies focus on themes of early learning or responsive caregiving. Lastly, 7% of the COVID-19 studies focus primarily on children’s safety and security. Read More →

UNICEF’s Community-Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package is used globally for infant and young child feeding counseling. This study aimed to: 1) identify and map existing nurturing care content; 2) identify gaps related to nurturing care or feeding elements; 3) identify country level nurturing care adaptations; and 4) identify best practices and lessons learned from country adaptations that can be recommended for inclusion.Read More →

En este marco se define el concepto de cuidado cariñoso y sensible y se presentan los 5 componentes esenciales para construir las bases hacia una trayectoria de salud y bienestar. Además, se proponen las cinco acciones estratégicas siguientes: 1) liderar e invertir, 2) centrarse en las familias y las comunidades, 3) fortalecer los servicios, 4) hacer seguimiento de los avances y 5) usar los datos e innovar. Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →

These “Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development” are developed by UNICEF in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. The profiles are an attempt to compile, in one place, the available data for country and cross-country monitoring and to provide a baseline against which progress can be monitored.Read More →