This short animated video, the third in a series focusing on self-care interventions during COVID-19, includes tips on how caregivers/parents can relieve some of their own stress from COVID-19 and use every day activities to continue emotionally connected, attentive and responsive to their child’s needs. The video is based WHO guidance on early childhood development and responsive caregiving. This video was produced by PMNCH, UNICEF, and WHO and created by Studio Eeksaurus with support from Medical Aid Films. It is available in all six UN language​s.Read More →

This video demonstrates how mothers with Covid-19 can breastfeed safely, providing their newborn with the best source of nutrition and protection to survive and thrive. The 60-second film was produced by award-winning Studio Eeksaurus of Mumbai with UK-based Medical Aid Films. The video is also available in the five official languages of the United Nations (Arabic, Mandarin, French, Russian and Spanish). This is the first in a series of videos regarding self-care during COVID-19. Read More →

Learn how to use social media as an advocacy tool. The Global Breastfeeding Webinar Series offers training to breastfeeding advocates on how to utilize social media to promote, protect and support breastfeeding. Created in the lead-up to World Breastfeeding Week in August 2018, the Webinar Series is intended for program managers, advocates and communicators who understand the need to boost the quantity and quality of content on breastfeeding.Read More →