These 10 video activities were designed to promote the importance of play and interaction between parents and their children of ECD age [0-8] using simple materials available at home. These videos also provide tips on how parents can engage with different age groups of children, and how these activities can be scaled according to child age. Parents can practice these activities with their children during their time together at home.Read More →

Capacitación realizada por la Dra. Jane Lucas, consultora de UNICEF, a padres, madres y cuidadores sobre desarrollo infantil temprano. Este modelo tiene como objetivo apoyar a las familias y cuidadores a desarrollar habilidades para establecer relaciones sensibles, receptivas y cariñosas con los niños y niñas pequeños, de modo a fomentar su desarrollo integral.Read More →

This video, developed by the Alberta Family Welfare Initiative, describes what is meant by the concept “serve and return”. Serve and return is one of the most important forms of child and guardian interaction. It occurs when a parent or caregiver is responsive to a child’s verbal cues and actions. By providing positive feedback via eye contact, sound, words, and physical interaction, the adult helps spark the child’s interest and enthusiasm in practicing things like speech, language and social learning. Without active serve and return engagement, children can lose interest in these activities, potentially undermining the development of fundamental brain architecture.Read More →

L’Alberta Family Wellness Initiative (AFWI) [Initiative albertaine pour le bien-être de la famille] a préparé une formation en ligne visant à rendre la science d’Histoire du cerveau accessible aux professionnels et au public. Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui souhaitent approfondir leur compréhension du développement cérébral et des conséquences de ce dernier sur la santé tout au long de la vie. Elle s’adresse également aux professionnels de divers domaines qui cherchent à obtenir un agrément. Une formation approfondie gratuite contiene une série de 19 modules. Cette formation est pour les personnes qui veulent en savoir plus sur la science du développement cérébral. A la fin du cours, vous recevrez un certifcat sur Historie du cerveau.Read More →

The Alberta Family Wellness Initiative (AFWI) has developed an online course to make Brain Story science available to professionals and the public. Brain Story Certification is designed for those seeking a deeper understanding of brain development and its consequences for lifelong health. The course is also designed for professionals seeking certification in a wide range of fields. It is a free, in-depth course comprised of 19 modules. The course is for anyone who wants to learn more about the science of brain development. Upon successful completion of the course you will receive a certificate in Brain Story Science.Read More →

The Alberta Family Welfare Initiative has developed the “Brain Story Toolkit” comprising of videos and documents to foster understanding of brain development and the link with early childhood experiences. This four minute video, “How Brains are Built” was developed with considerable input from partners at the Harvard Center on the Developing Child and the FrameWorks Institute.Read More →

In 2009, Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child launched a collaboration with the Interactive Media Division of the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California (USC) to develop and test new ways of communicating the science of early childhood development using interactive media. The “Brain Hero” video, depicting how actions by a range of people in the family and community impact child development, is the first product of this collaboration. This 3-minute video adapts the visual sensibility of interactive game models to a video format and portrays how actions taken by parents, teachers, policymakers, and others can affect life outcomes for both the child and the surrounding community.Read More →

This video tells the story of little Elena Stojic, who was born two months early in Kragujevac, Serbia. With support from UNICEF Serbia, the facility where she was born is employing kangaroo care with pre-term newborns. In the video her mother, Mirjana, describes how skin to skin contact helped her bond with Elena and resulted in immediate benefits for Elena’s health and development.Read More →

This video opens with Bill Gates explaining the power of kangaroo mother care in preventing newborn death. It then cuts to a health worker explaining why she uses this technique.Read More →

UNICEF propone una línea de 8 juegos diseñados con elementos cotidianos que se pueden encontrar en todos los hogares de Paraguay y que son perfectos para la estimulación de los bebés. Cada uno está recomendado para una edad determinada. Estos son: Bada Bum, Koreko Guá, Chiki Chiki, ConstruCrea, Kili Kili, Libro Bebé, Las Figus y Móvil Bebé.Read More →

This video library covers topics related to nutrition, breastfeeding, small babies, newborns, and childbirth. The videos are available in multiple languages and can be viewed on the site or downloaded. There are both videos intended for parents and videos intended for health workers and volunteers.Read More →

In this 12 minute soap opera, ammaji (grandmother) helps a mother and father understand why it’s important for them to spend time with their children, give them attention, talk to them, and play with them. Read More →

HealthPhone™ is a video reference library and guide to better health and nutrition practices, for families and communities, including the illiterate, in their language, distributed on mobile phones. There are over 2,500 videos in 70+ languages. Topics include breastfeeding, safe motherhood and newborn health, child development and early learning, child protection, and malaria. Read More →

In this educational and heartwarming 24 minute video filmed in India by Hands to Heart International (HHI), you will learn the basic baby massage strokes, the benefits of massage, and tips on how to know if the baby is enjoying the massage. The video is subtitled in 21 languages.Read More →