To reach their full potential, children need the five inter-related and indivisible components of nurturing care: good health, adequate nutrition, safety and security, responsive caregiving and opportunities for learning.
In the first years of life, parents, intimate family members and caregivers are the closest to the young child and thus the best providers of Nurturing Care. This is why secure family environments are important for young children. In order to provide caregivers with time and resources to provide nurturing care, policies, services and community supports need to be in place.
Click the image above for a downloadable high-res version. Our templates page has this components figure in different languages.
Use the materials that follow to help you understand and explain the five nurturing care components. The materials are available as documents, jpgs and ppts.

This 2-page document provides definitions of each nurturing care component and offers examples of interventions for each.
• French version: Zoom sur les composantes des soins attentifs.
• Spanish version: Aproximación a los componentes del cuidado cariñoso y sensible.

This excerpt from the forthcoming Nurturing care handbook provides additional descriptions of the five nurturing care components.
Parents and other caregivers are best placed to provide nurturing care for their children. Supporting caregiver well-being is essential because when caregivers receive support and are able to care for themselves they are better able to care for their children.