Sheila Manji, Spécialiste du développement de la petite enfance, Le Partenariat pour la santé de la mère, du nouveau-né et de l’enfant, présent des ressources disponibles en français, afin de faciliter le plaidoyer et la mise en œuvre du cadre des soins attentifs. Par exemples, les définitions des composantes des soins attentifs, les messages clés et les profils des pays. Read More →

Laura Rawlings, Économiste principal, Project du Capital Humain, Banque mondiale, explique le lien entre le développement de la petite enfance et le capital humain. Description de l’indice du capital humain crée par la Banque mondiale.Read More →

Maniza Ntekim, Conseillère Régionale, Développement de la petite enfance, UNICEF, initroduit la présentation conjointe de la Banque mondiale et de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé avec une explication du développement de la petite enfance.Read More →

Développement de la petite enfance (UNICEF); Pourquoi est-il important d’investir tôt? (Banque Mondiale); Le cadre des soins attentifs pour le développement de la petite enfance (OMS); Les composantes « opportunités pour l’apprentissage précoce » et « les soins répondant aux besoins » (Le Partenariat pour la santé de la mère, du nouveau-né et de l’enfant); Renforcer les services existants : exemples venant d’Afrique (UNICEF); Ressources pour soutenir le plaidoyer et la mise en œuvre du cadre des soins attentifs (Le Partenariat pour la santé de la mère, du nouveau-né et de l’enfant).Read More →

The UNICEF Vision for Early Childhood Development is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and supports the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It outlines UNICEF’s intent to support an organization-wide approach to child development in the early years of life, drawing on its mandate for child rights, multisectoral expertise, wide on-the-ground presence, and long-standing role as a trusted adviser to governments and partners at national, regional and global levels.Read More →

This Thematic Brief shows how responsive feeding relies on and supports the integration of all five components of nurturing care into the feeding process. It explains what is meant by responsive feeding and how to create the enabling environments for caregivers to responsively feed their young children.Read More →

Home-based records have a long history, initially used to record proof of smallpox vaccinations in the mid-1800s. Today, more than 163 countries use a form of home-based record, such as antenatal notes, vaccination-only cards, child health booklets or integrated maternal and child health handbooks. This publication recommends home-based records to improve care-seeking behaviours, men’s involvement and support in the household, maternal and child home care practices, infant and child feeding and communication between health workers and women, parents and caregivers. Read More →

This report summarizes the findings of a multicountry study examining the impact of formula milk marketing on infant feeding decisions and practices, which was commissioned by WHO and UNICEF. The research study – the largest of its kind to date – draws on the experiences of over 8500 women and more than 300 health professionals across eight countries (Bangladesh, China, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, the United Kingdom and Viet Nam). It exposes the aggressive marketing practices used by the formula milk industry, highlights the impacts on women and families, and outlines opportunities for action.Read More →

ُرش يف أواخر عام 2020 بعنوان ”الرعاية يف مرحلة التنشئة لألطفال الذين يعيشون يف أوضاع إنسانية“ )متوفر
ّقدم موجز املنارصة الذي ن
باللغات العربية واإلنجليزية واإلسبانية( إرشادات لصانعي القرار بشأن تكييف الجهود الحالية يف ضوء االحتياجات والتحديات الخاصة بأزمات
سياق محدد. بعد إصدار امللخص، تالقت الشبكة العربية للطفولة املبكرة واللجنة الدولية لإلغاثة ومنظمة إنقاذ الطفل واليونيسف ومنظمة
الصحة العاملية من أجل نرش املوجز وتعزيز العمل عىل مستوى البلدان. جرى تشكيل مجموعة عمل دولية يف أوائل عام 2021 تضم ممثلني
ً من املنظامت الخمس عىل املستويني العاملي واإلقليمي، ودعموا معا خمسة فرق عمل وطنية لتنظيم ورشات عمل مع مجموعة مختلفة من
القطاعات وأصحاب املصلحة بني أكتوبر وديسمرب 2021.
يلخص هذا التقرير مسار تنظيم ورشات العمل ويشمل تأمالت حول املسائل واألفكار املشرتكة التي ظهرت فيها، ويحدد مجموعة من التوصيات
ملواصلة تعزيز الرعاية يف مرحلة التنشئة يف هذه السياقات الخمسة وكذلك يف سياقات أخرى متأثرة بأزمات.

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The Health Systems for Early Child Development platform is a one-stop-shop for policy makers, service providers, and service planners, where they can access latest evidence-based guidance and resources on early childhood development policies and programmes that health care systems can incorporate and build on. It is also a learning community that enables discussions and knowledge exchange on building a responsive system that addresses the needs of young children and their families. Read More →

This Thematic Brief summarizes the evidence regarding the benefits of men’s engagement on outcomes for women, children, and even men themselves. It consolidates the learnings thus far regarding designing and adapting services to engage men in providing nurturing care. Finally, it recommends practical actions for policymakers and programme designers across four enabling environments: policies, services, communities and caregivers – all illustrated with case studies. It focuses particularly on what health services can do, while also covering education, social protection and other sectors. Read More →

In preparation for the virtual South-East Asia regional multisectoral meeting in April 2021, the WHO, UNICEF and partners prepared six recorded presentations in English. They address the rationale for investing in nurturing care for early childhood development, provide an overview of the Nurturing Care Framework, and dive deeper into the Strategic Actions.Read More →