This online course, developed by WHO, is intended for the training of clinical nurses, clinicians and doctors managing common childhood illnesses at primary health care level. The course can be accessed online on any electronic device (computer, tablet or smart phone).Read More →

Sheila Manji, Spécialiste du développement de la petite enfance, Le Partenariat pour la santé de la mère, du nouveau-né et de l’enfant, présent des ressources disponibles en français, afin de faciliter le plaidoyer et la mise en œuvre du cadre des soins attentifs. Par exemples, les définitions des composantes des soins attentifs, les messages clés et les profils des pays. Read More →

Laura Rawlings, Économiste principal, Project du Capital Humain, Banque mondiale, explique le lien entre le développement de la petite enfance et le capital humain. Description de l’indice du capital humain crée par la Banque mondiale.Read More →

Maniza Ntekim, Conseillère Régionale, Développement de la petite enfance, UNICEF, initroduit la présentation conjointe de la Banque mondiale et de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé avec une explication du développement de la petite enfance.Read More →

These ten instructional videos, available in English, Arabic, French, Kyrgyz, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish, are for health workers and other early childhood service providers who work with mothers, fathers, and other caregivers of young children. The goal of the videos is to improve the quality of counseling and other services that promote responsive care.Read More →

The 24 articles in this journal offer insight from diverse traditions, policies, programmes and people. Together, they show why we need a person-first approach to caregiving and how we can get there, so that caregivers, children and entire communities flourish.Read More →

The UNICEF Vision for Early Childhood Development is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and supports the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It outlines UNICEF’s intent to support an organization-wide approach to child development in the early years of life, drawing on its mandate for child rights, multisectoral expertise, wide on-the-ground presence, and long-standing role as a trusted adviser to governments and partners at national, regional and global levels.Read More →

This scoping review aims to identify implementation pathways of Reach Up (RU) and Care for Child Development (CCD) programmes in low- and middle-income countries. The review includes 33 programmes from 23 low- and middle-income countries. A thematic analysis identified 37 implementation strategies across six “building blocks of implementation”: programme emergence, intersectoriality, intervention characteristics, workforce, training, and monitoring systems. Read More →

This collection of interventions and tools, developed by the Family Strengthening Task Force, is designed to offer family strengthening resources for supporting families in humanitarian settings. Resources range from programming interventions and campaigns to evaluation tools and evidence reviews and covers multiple sectors including child protection, gender-based violence, mental health and psychosocial support, education, and nutrition. The information provided here comes from a range of publicly available sources and is subject to change.Read More →