Leading experts came together to share the Building Brains Evidence Synthesis, a report taking stock of Building Brains evidence gathered across 49 countries over the past 10 years.

This interactive discussion from the Playful Parenting Community looked at beliefs and practices around play in five distinct country contexts: Bhutan, Guatemala, Rwanda, Serbia, and Zambia.

ARNEC and the ECCE Council of Malaysia hosted this, the first face-to-face Asia-Pacific regional ECD conference after the pandemic, and discussed how ECD is an important building block in building overall resilience and reinforcing SDG targets, especially those for young children under Target 4.2.

Ce webinaire, organisé par l’UNICEF et l’OMS, offre une vue d’ensemble des soins attentifs pour le développement de la petite enfance, le Cadre des soins attentifs et, en s’appuyant sur le Guide Pratique des Soins Attentifs, des suggestions sur la manière de renforcer les soins attentifs par l’intermédiaire des services existants de santé et de nutrition. La présentation est suivie par des réflexions de la parte de l’Association des pédiatres d’Afrique noire francophone sur le rôle des pédiatres, par l’OMS concernant un atelier sur l’opérationnalisation du Cadre des Soins Attentifs dans les pays francophones de l’Afrique en 2019, et les expériences vécues concernant la collaboration multisectorielle et mise en œuvre du Cadre des Soins Attentifs (exemples partagé par Chad, Mali et Niger).

In this webinar WHO introduced the new WHO Academy Platform and the online Smart dIMCI course for training health workers on Integrated Management of Childhood Illness.

This webinar introduced the Engaging Men in Nurturing Care multi-country initiative, which is aimed at influencing the policy discourse and practices at home and in services in three cities in Italy, Portugal and Spain.

This RISE/UNICEF webinar provided an overview of the core elements of the Nurturing Care Framework, what needs to be monitored on the pathway to impact, and learnings with respect to establishing national and subnational multisectoral monitoring and evaluation systems for early childhood development.

This Child Health Task Force webinar introduced the new well-care visits guidance within the broader context of the child and adolescent health and wellbeing agenda, and shared emerging efforts to map and rethink child health programming in Malawi.

Participants joined UNICEF for the launch of the updated Community IYCF Counselling Package, with an overview of the new tool, news about country experiences in adapting it, and complementary tools to strengthen quality counselling and support behavior change.

The Africa Early Childhood Network and partners hosted this conference in Dar es Salaam in 2024.

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