Professor Jane Fisher spoke on the topic: “Society, women’s health, family wellbeing and early childhood – they are all connected”, drawing on the Nurturing Care Framework to make the case that nurturing care is central to achieving all three.

Sydney Australia

Public health workers, pediatricians, home visitors, social workers and representatives of the education sector, along with UNICEF, WHO, and decision makers from the Ministry of Health and City Authority, meet to discuss a comprehensive approach to child health and development.

This Latin American regional congress served as a platform to learn about various ECD tools, technologies, and services used in the region, and opened with a presentation on the Nurturing Care Framework.

Panama City Panama

About 20 government, partner and UNICEF representatives from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan joined a study tour to share in lessons-learned in an exciting pilot project on universal progressive home visiting.

Kyzylorda Kazakhstan

Meeting organized by UNICEF, the IADB and FRMA to consider programs in the Latin American region that focus on early childhood education. Keynote contribution on the Lancet series.

San Salvador El Salvador

The African Early Childhood Network facilitated a presentation and discussion on the evidence for and implications of the Framework on child development.

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

The AAP put a spotlight on nurturing care during their 2018 National Conference and Exhibition. Speakers addressed ECD in the global context, the Nurturing Care Framework, and the importance of nutrition for children’s development.

Orlando United States

The African Early Childhood Network facilitated a presentation and discussion on the evidence for and implications of the Framework on child development.

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

Participants from Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Sudan, Syria and Tunisia met for a capacity building course on Care for Child Development within the context of the Nurturing Care Framework.

Tunis Tunisia
14 Oct 2018 - 16 Oct 2018
Stakeholders’ consultation meeting

The organisers of this UNICEF regional meeting believe that nurturing care is the key to improving children’s diets in west and central Africa.

Nairobi Kenya
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