Livestreamed launch of a major new report on child health and well-being, entitled A future for the world’s children? A WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission.

The organisers of this UNICEF regional meeting believe that nurturing care is the key to improving children’s diets in west and central Africa.

Dakar Senegal

This second ECDAN webinar in a series of three looks at the WHO’s new Guideline for Improving Early Childhood Development.

A spotlight session at the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva discussed early childhood development in crisis settings.

Geneva Switzerland

A pre-congress session on Early Childhood Development will be held on December 9. The session will be grounded in the Nurturing Care Framework for Early Childhood Development.

Manila Philippines

This year’s conference theme is: Working across sectors to promote nurturing and sustainable environments for young children. A pre-conference session will explore progress and strategies for advancement of the Nurturing Care Framework in the Asia-Pacific region.

Hanoi Vietnam
04 Nov 2019 - 07 Nov 2019
SUN Global Gathering

The Scaling-Up Nutrition (SUN) gathering brings together government focal points and representatives from civil society, donor, United Nations agencies, private sector partners, academia, media, parliamentarians and others.

Kathmandu Nepal

Session 3339.0 of APHA’s 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo looked at bridging the global gaps from maternal and child health to ECD, with an emphasis on challenges and innovation drivers in cross-sectoral policy, practices, and partnerships.

Philadelphia United States

The theme for this year’s annual conference is: ​Nurturing Care: From Global “Pact” to National Action; From Thriving Childhoods to Sustainable Livelihoods​.

Karachi Pakistan

Government ministers from 15 Pacific island nations, working in education, finance, health and social welfare, have announced a new Pacific Regional Council for Early Childhood Development.

Nadi Fiji
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