A deeper dive into the integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCI) and exploration of IMCI as a tool in primary healthcare services for children. |
Health Systems for Early Child Development hosted this webinar on the power of parenting in the early years, and launched UNICEF’s new Parenting Support Framework for Europe and Central Asia. |
In humanitarian crises, young children pay the highest price. In this webinar, speakers will explore the issues and look at the experience of implementing humanitarian services in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. |
This RISE/UNICEF webinar unpacked the role of developmental screening tools in providing care and services to young children and their families and their importance as a central component of national data collection systems. |
In this webinar Health Systems for Early Child Development and partners unveiled new regional resources in support of better services for child health and development. |
Leading experts came together to share the Building Brains Evidence Synthesis, a report taking stock of Building Brains evidence gathered across 49 countries over the past 10 years. |
This interactive discussion from the Playful Parenting Community looked at beliefs and practices around play in five distinct country contexts: Bhutan, Guatemala, Rwanda, Serbia, and Zambia. |
27 May 2024 - 30 May 2024
2024 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Early Childhood Development ARNEC and the ECCE Council of Malaysia hosted this, the first face-to-face Asia-Pacific regional ECD conference after the pandemic, and discussed how ECD is an important building block in building overall resilience and reinforcing SDG targets, especially those for young children under Target 4.2. |
23 May 2024
Les Soins Attentifs pour le Développement de la Petite Enfance : Rôle et Implication du Secteur de la Santé Ce webinaire, organisé par l’UNICEF et l’OMS, offre une vue d’ensemble des soins attentifs pour le développement de la petite enfance, le Cadre des soins attentifs et, en s’appuyant sur le Guide Pratique des Soins Attentifs, des suggestions sur la manière de renforcer les soins attentifs par l’intermédiaire des services existants de santé et de nutrition. La présentation est suivie par des réflexions de la parte de l’Association des pédiatres d’Afrique noire francophone sur le rôle des pédiatres, par l’OMS concernant un atelier sur l’opérationnalisation du Cadre des Soins Attentifs dans les pays francophones de l’Afrique en 2019, et les expériences vécues concernant la collaboration multisectorielle et mise en œuvre du Cadre des Soins Attentifs (exemples partagé par Chad, Mali et Niger). |
16 May 2024
Introduction to the Smart Digital Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (Smart dIMCI) course In this webinar WHO introduced the new WHO Academy Platform and the online Smart dIMCI course for training health workers on Integrated Management of Childhood Illness. |