The WHO, UNICEF and JICA have launched an implementation guide on strengthening home-based records for maternal, newborn and child health. At the launch they demonstrated how people can use the guide to establish milestones to track progress against eight key factors. |
This webinar included an overview of the new Nurturing Care Practice Guide as well as reflections on how it can be used by managers and practitioners to strengthen caregiver well-being and caregivers’ capacities to provide their children nurturing care. |
28 Mar 2023 - 30 Mar 2023
Southern African Regional Conference on Early Childhood Development This Conference was hosted by the Government of Zambia in collaboration with the Southern African Network for ECD (SANECD) and the African Early Childhood Network (AfECN). |
These two publications, developed by the World Health Organization and UNICEF, are the latest in a series of resources to support implementation of the Nurturing Care Framework. This webinar included an overview of the two publications as well as reflections on how the Handbook and Practice Guide build on existing packages and can be used to enhance advocacy and capacity building efforts at regional and national levels. |
02 Mar 2023
Health Systems for Early Child Development This webinar, organised in partnership with the Centro per la Salute del Bambino, presented guiding principles and examples of practical approaches to integrating nurturing care in Italy’s primary health care services. |
Despite growing interest in early childhood development, globally validated tools to assess the development of children under the age of three at population and programmatic level remain scarce. WHO has launched a new measurement tool: Global Scales for Early Development (GSED). |
22 Feb 2023 - 23 Feb 2023
International Conference on Early Childhood Development in Pakistan The theme for this fourth international conference was: Nurturing for Transforming Lives – The Power of Early Childhood Development. It brought together over 400 participants, including legislators and policymakers responsible for health, nutrition, child protection, education, and social welfare, ECD professionals/experts from private and public sectors, practitioners, researchers, civil society, UN agencies, donors, academicians, aspiring ECD professionals, and parent representatives. |
09 Feb 2023
Countdown to 2030 Country and Regional Profiles UNICEF, WHO, Countdown to 2030 and PMNCH have launched the latest Countdown to 2030 national, equity, and early childhood development country profiles. The profiles present up-to-date evidence on progress in improving the health of women, children, and adolescents and help identify coverage gaps to better inform priorities for action. |
Richard Horton, Editor in Chief of the Lancet, and a panel of experts came together for a live event at the Royal Society of Medicine, unpacking a new three-paper Lancet series which explores how the value of breastfeeding is wasted by government and public health, and exploited by the formula milk industry. |
This virtual talanoa discussed key results of the Sharm El Sheik Climate Summit (COP27), and how they intersect with global early childhood development policy. Speakers shared their reflection on COP27and opportunities to elevate ECD as a fundamental building block of climate resilience, as well as a pathway to adaptation and mitigation. |