The U.S. Government Global Nutrition Coordination Plan and the COVID-19 Infant Feeding Research Interest Group (CIF-RIG) invited interested parties to attend a webinar on infant feeding during HIV, Ebola, and COVID-19. The hosts reviewed recent experiences in reaction to global infectious disease impact on infant feeding practices and began a discussion on how lessons learned might be leveraged to improve future readiness and impact. |
29 Jul 2021
Early childhood development and nutrition The Nutrition subgroup of the Child Health Task Force hosted this panel discussion on lessons learnt integrating additional components of nurturing care with nutrition interventions in development and humanitarian contexts. Panelists shared experiences from multiple countries including Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, Sierra Leone, and Sudan. |
This Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regional event presented highlights from the World Bank’s new report: “Better jobs and brighter futures: Investing in childcare to build human capital”. It reviewed the childcare context in MENA, and engaged policymakers across the region the region on challenges, opportunities and promising approaches. |
27 Jul 2021 - 28 Jul 2021
ECD Network for Kenya national conference The fourth national ECD stakeholders’ conference was held in Siaya county and hosted at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology. |
21 Jul 2021 - 22 Jul 2021
Ghana: National early childhood conference on the Nurturing Care Framework for ECD This conference sought to create a common platform for all stakeholders to dialogue on Ghana’s milestones in the implementation of the Nurturing Care Framework, stimulating the minds of participants and providing a clear pathway for practitioners to contextualize nurturing care in the delivery of ECCD services, programmes, and interventions in Ghana. |
This webinar presented an inter-agency vision for scaling global support for parents and caregivers along with a collective action framework and a call-to-action for governments, implementers, researchers, policymakers, and donors. |
09 Jun 2021
World Bank webinar series #4 In this webinar series various speakers provided an overview on how the World Bank works at global and national levels to support early childhood. |
12 May 2021
World Bank webinar series #3 In this webinar series various speakers provided an overview on how the World Bank works at global and national level to support early childhood. |
The latest version of the IYCF Image Bank includes content on topics closely related to IYCF, including responsive feeding and responsive care, and overweight and obesity. In this webinar speakers highlighted key features of the IYCF Image Bank and explored how images can be adapted to fit various cultural contexts. |
27 Apr 2021 - 29 Apr 2021
South-East Asia multisectoral meeting to promote nurturing care for early childhood development The WHO South-East Asia Regional Office, in collaboration with UNICEF, organized a 3-day virtual meeting to promote nurturing care for early childhood development. The meeting brought together participants from 11 countries, with participants including government delegates from relevant ministries (health, nutrition, education, child protection, women and child affairs), WHO and UNICEF staff and partners. |