The 24 articles in this journal offer insight from diverse traditions, policies, programmes and people. Together, they show why we need a person-first approach to caregiving and how we can get there, so that caregivers, children and entire communities flourish.Read More →

This 20th anniversary edition features 26 articles, from a parenting programme informed by the Gross National Happiness policy in Bhutan to community health workers’ use of technology to treat maternal depression in Pakistan. Highlighting innovations, the path to scale and emerging initiatives in the field, Early Childhood Matters is again guest-edited by international early childhood expert Joan Lombardi.Read More →

This is a documentary about the importance of loving relationships in early childhood development. It includes interviews with experts and footage with parents from across nine countries and four continents. The Bernard van Leer Foundation has put together a selection of short clips from the documentary, grouped by theme.Read More →