The RCEL Addendum package for Ghana includes a training package; counselling cards; and a flow chart to guide counselling during services. These materials are required for any programme interested in using the RCEL Addendum in Ghana. Additionally, there are optional videos that can be used if technology/capabilities allows.Read More →

Following a baseline study which identified high rates of malnutrition among children (0 to 3 years) in Nampulla Province, Transforming Nutrition and USAID Advancing Nutrition collaborated to integrate responsive care and early learning and monitoring for child development into TN’s community-based activities, including support for the widely used multi-sectoral nutrition intervention package for community-based services. Read More →

These ten instructional videos, available in English, Arabic, French, Kyrgyz, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish, are for health workers and other early childhood service providers who work with mothers, fathers, and other caregivers of young children. The goal of the videos is to improve the quality of counseling and other services that promote responsive care.Read More →

In light of COVID-19 restrictions, USAID Momentum and its implementing partners needed to modify delivery of the ‘First Steps Intera za Mbere’ programme, which enables caregivers with children aged 3 years and under to promote nurturing care. Following a phone survey to understand caregiver attitudes, knowledge and practices, they adapted the programme to be delivered via radio. This brief describes the adaptation process.Read More →

In 2016, the Government of Ghana reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring children in the first 1000 days had every opportunity to survive and thrive. To this end, the Government of Ghana dedicated personnel and put in place coordinating mechanisms to ensure all children received nurturing care from birth. This brief describes the actions taken in the health sector between 2016 and 2019, championed by the Government of Ghana, to elevate attention to and services for children aged 0-3 years. Read More →

This toolkit was developed as part of the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) Ghana ECD 0-3 Program. It is intended to prepare frontline workers delivering community health services to equip parents and caregivers to develop responsive caregiving skills and engage in early learning activities with their children. The toolkit includes a training-of-trainers guide, flipcharts, and a parenting sessions manual.Read More →

This interactive country profile, developed by the Early Childhood Development team, uses secondary sources to compile national data alongside information on national policies and programs to highlight both the needs and opportunities for promoting optimal child development in Kenya. This profile complements the Countdown to 2030 Country profiles for early childhood development. Read More →

This interactive country profile, developed by the Early Childhood Development team, uses secondary sources to compile national data alongside information on national policies and programs to highlight both the needs and opportunities for promoting optimal child development in Rwanda. This profile complements the Countdown to 2030 Country profiles for early childhood development. Read More →

This interactive country profile, developed by the Early Childhood Development team, uses secondary sources to compile national data alongside information on national policies and programs to highlight both the needs and opportunities for promoting optimal child development in Uganda. This profile complements the Countdown to 2030 Country profiles for early childhood development. Read More →

The Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Image Bank is a collection of over 900 images, developed from adaptations of UNICEF’s Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package. These, and other similar images about recommended IYCF practices, have been used in more than 70 countries for counseling and training to promote behavior change for improved maternal and child nutrition. UNICEF and USAID Advancing Nutrition have partnered to make these images available for others to download, adapt, and use freely for any not-for-profit purposes.Read More →

UNICEF and USAID Advancing Nutrition, with the support of the Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group represented by Save the Children and Safely Fed Canada, have developed a counselling package, Infant and Young Child Feeding Recommendations when COVID-19 is Suspected or Confirmed. The set includes 10 counselling cards and a recommended practices booklet.Read More →

Written for USAID and PEPFAR implementing partners, with a focus on OVC practitioners, this is a user-friendly compendium of current resources and job aids for early childhood care, stimulation and education. It begins with an overview of the importance of the early childhood period, and specifically its importance for HIV-impacted infants, children and families. This section grounds the rationale in the nurturing care components. The compendium describes of tools, job aids, visuals and packages that can address components of nurturing care. Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children, or 4Children, is a 5-year, USAID-funded projectRead More →

>On 11th September 2019 USAID hosted a webinar on the science behind the first 1,000 days, brain development and nurturing care. Dr. Sarah Cusick, Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota, provided an overview of how nutrient deficiency in the first 1,000 days can lead to long-term dysfunction and how application of the general principles of nutrient and brain interaction can help inform programming. Patricia Jodrey from USAID’s Child Health Team provided further context through the lens of the Nurturing Care Framework.Read More →

In May 2020 the Society for International Development held a virtual panel discussion with representatives from USAID, International Rescue Committee and PATH to explore how these organizations are using the Nurturing Care Framework in humanitarian settings, nutrition programs, and within the health sector – before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.Read More →