“If we change the beginning of the story,
we change the whole story.”
— The beginning of life
New Lancet Series: Early Childhood Development and the Next 1000 Days
This two-part Lancet series on early childhood development focuses on the transition to the ‘next 1,000 days’ of the life course, describing why this developmental period matters, identifying the environments of care, risks, and protective factors that shape children’s development, estimating the number of children who receive adequate nurturing care, and examining whether current interventions are meeting children’s needs. More.
Responsive Caregiving: Conceptual Clarity and the Need for Indicators
This article from The Lancet unpacks the term "responsive caregiving" and provides examples of how it is universal and how the presence or absence of responsive caregiving impacts children’s development. The authors underscore the need to develop responsive caregiving indicators and set out processes for developing such indicators. More.
Herramientas Para el Marco del Cuidado Cariñoso y Sensible
¿Busca recursos en español que le ayuden a aplicar el Marco del Cuidado Cariñoso y Sensible? Los hemos reunido para usted en un solo lugar. Visite esta página para ver todos los recursos disponibles en español.
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Boîte à Outils du Cadre de Soins Attentifs
Cherchez-vous des ressources en français pour vous aider à mettre en œuvre le Cadre des Soins Attentifs? Nous les avons rassemblées pour vous en un seul endroit. Visitez cette page pour voir toutes les ressources disponibles en français.
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Early Childhood Matters: The Wellbeing Issue Part II
The van Leer Foundation has launched the 2025 edition of Early Childhood Matters. The journal is a follow on to the 2024 edition which also explored parental wellbeing. The 2025 journal explores what parents need and includes examples of how governments and societies can better support parents everywhere.
• Journal
• Video
• Well-being Issue Part I
Caring for the Caregiver (CFC)
Recognizing the need to support caregiver well-being, UNICEF, in collaboration with the University of the Witwatersrand and WHO, have developed a 'Caring for the Caregiver' package. CFC aims to build front-line workers' capacity to provide counselling and parenting support services and improve caregivers' emotional well-being and social support, to enable nurturing care for improved child development outcomes.
• CFC package
• Launch event
Lebanon Integrated Micronutrient, Anthropometric and Child Development (LIMA) Survey
The report of this national survey (2023-2024) presents the nutritional status of children and adolescents in Lebanon and the impact of malnutrition on children's growth and development. This is the first survey globally to measure nutrition and early childhood development (ECD) outcomes during the first 2 years of life. These results will help assess how the various forms of malnutrition impact brain development. More.
Impact of Climate Change Across the Life Course
Articles: Three articles summarising the available reviews on the impact of climate change on maternal and newborn health, child and adolescent health, and older people, which together take a life course approach to optimal development and healthy ageing. More.
Publication: This report aims to provide a comprehensive ‘stocktake’ of the impacts of climate change on children across six major hazards that impact their health and well-being: extreme heat, droughts, wildfires, floods and storms, air pollution and ecosystem change. More.
Course: This free, online course is based on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) training package on children's environmental health. This course will help health workers to protect children’s health from pollution and climate change. More.
The Role of Paediatric Associations in Advancing Nurturing Care in the Health Sector
This webinar is brought to you by the Kenya Paediatric Association and the Early Childhood Development Learning Collaborative.
2025 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Early Childhood Development
This ARNEC and ECCD Council of the Philippines conference will address the theme: "Advancing Equitable and Inclusive Early Childhood Development (ECD) Services: The critical role of effective local governance".
Manila, Philippines
PATH ECD Knowledge Hub
This knowledge hub compiles national documents, assessments, job aids, training materials, and quality improvement tools, developed by PATH in collaboration with government and partners across Eastern and Southern Africa, to support the promotion of nurturing care for early childhood development through existing health and nutrition services. More.
AfECN Publishes New Compendium for Parents and Caregivers
In September 2024 AfECN and partners published The Compendium of African Initiatives to Support Parents & Caregivers of Adolescents and Young Children. It provides a summary of key findings, learnings and recommendations from 28 parenting programmes, and is designed for policy and decision-makers, as well as development partners, civil society organisations and implementing organisations. More.
Nurturing Care for Faith Leaders
The Inter-Religious Council of Kenya (IRCK), in partnership with the Catholic Relief Service, has developed scripturally-referenced guidelines for ECD advocacy by religious leaders and theologians from different faith communities. More.
Ahlan Simsim supports 1,000,000+ children
Ahlan Simsim is the world’s largest early childhood development program in a humanitarian setting. It has now reached more than one million children with direct services across Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. More.
Bebbo app
This free app developed by UNICEF and national partners is designed to lend a helping hand to parents, with easy tips on topics like breast pumps, baby weaning, learning, toys, child protection and much more. The app is available in 14 languages and can be used both online and offline. You can download it for free for both Android and iOS. Find out more here.
Children in Humanitarian Settings
Nurturing care can mitigate risks for young children in humanitarian settings and support them to have a healthy development. But, in humanitarian settings, our youngest children are being left behind. Moving Minds Alliance provides you with the facts and solutions to turn this situation around in a series of thematic briefs:
1) How the youngest children are left behind in humanitarian response
2) The developing brain in crisis contexts
3) Nourish the body, nourish the bond: early care and nutrition in emergencies
4) How early childhood development in emergencies promotes gender equality.