UNICEF, in collaboration with the University of the Witwatersrand and WHO, have created the Caring for the Caregiver package to increase frontline workers’ capacity to provide counselling and parenting support services. Using a family centered approach, the CFC improves caregivers’ emotional well-being and their social support to enable nurturing care for improved child development outcomes.Read More →

This knowledge hub compiles national documents, assessments, job aids, training materials, and quality improvement tools, developed by PATH in collaboration with government and partners across Eastern and Southern Africa, to support the promotion of nurturing care for early childhood development through existing health and nutrition services.Read More →

This UNICEF/WHO interactive course is based on the WHO training package on children’s environmental health – a comprehensive set of harmonized, peer-reviewed materials on the most relevant issues on children’s environmental health. The course will increase the capacity of health workers to recognize, prevent, diagnose and manage children’s conditions related to environmental threats.Read More →

This online course, developed by WHO, is intended for the training of clinical nurses, clinicians and doctors managing common childhood illnesses at primary health care level. The course can be accessed online on any electronic device (computer, tablet or smart phone).Read More →

The RCEL Addendum package for Ghana includes a training package; counselling cards; and a flow chart to guide counselling during services. These materials are required for any programme interested in using the RCEL Addendum in Ghana. Additionally, there are optional videos that can be used if technology/capabilities allows.Read More →

These ten instructional videos, available in English, Arabic, French, Kyrgyz, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish, are for health workers and other early childhood service providers who work with mothers, fathers, and other caregivers of young children. The goal of the videos is to improve the quality of counseling and other services that promote responsive care.Read More →

This collection of interventions and tools, developed by the Family Strengthening Task Force, is designed to offer family strengthening resources for supporting families in humanitarian settings. Resources range from programming interventions and campaigns to evaluation tools and evidence reviews and covers multiple sectors including child protection, gender-based violence, mental health and psychosocial support, education, and nutrition. The information provided here comes from a range of publicly available sources and is subject to change.Read More →

This open-access package is designed to provide a standardized method for measuring development of children birth to 36 months of age at population and programmatic levels globally. The GSED measures capture child development holistically through a common unit, the Developmental score (D-score). The package includes the Short and Long Forms, scoring guide, adaptation and translation guide and a technical report that summarizes the creation process of the GSED, the validation methodology and psychometric properties.Read More →

El paquete Cuidado para el Desarollo Infantil (CDI) incorpora:
– Recomendaciones para proveedores de servicios de salud, personal de educación y aprendizaje para la primera infancia, así como proveedores de servicios comunitarios.
– Orientaciones que fortalecen las capacidades de las familias para la crianza de sus hijos en un entorno cariñoso, sensible y enriquecedor, lo mismo que soluciones a problemas comunes relacionados con el cuidado de niños pequeños.Read More →

The free app developed by UNICEF and national partners is designed to lend a helping hand to parents, with easy tips on topics like breast pumps, baby weaning, learning, toys, child protection and much more. The app is available in 14 languages and can be used both online and offline. Read More →

This course helps you to design sustainable and culturally relevant parenting programmes that are responsive to the issues or problems in children’s development and well-being in your context. By taking this course, you will be able to prioritise issues in children’s development and define the changes you want to see in parents, make decisions about how to deliver a programme, and start to develop strategies and content for your parenting programme.Read More →

This course is a resource for parents or those who work with parents of young children to support them to provide brain-building experiences and nurturing care. You’ll gain an understanding of who the caregivers of young children are in your context. It will help you to better understand how the life experiences, environment, relationships, and beliefs of parents shape the kind of opportunities, care, and support a parent is able to provide his or her child. Knowing this will help the parent and those who work with parents to support them to overcome challenges.Read More →

This toolkit was developed as part of the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP) Ghana ECD 0-3 Program. It is intended to prepare frontline workers delivering community health services to equip parents and caregivers to develop responsive caregiving skills and engage in early learning activities with their children. The toolkit includes a training-of-trainers guide, flipcharts, and a parenting sessions manual.Read More →

This is a 7-week self-paced online course (approximately 1-3 hours per week). It begins with a review of basic ECD concepts and implementation programmes around the world, and looks at why some programmes succeed where others do less well, and what strategies are key for enabling widespread adaptation of quality programming. For those working around the world in early childhood development programmes, the course allows you to reflect and evaluate your own organization by reviewing real-world case successes, as well as a new global perspective from other learners.Read More →

The Reach Up Early Childhood Parenting Programme is based on the Jamaica Home Visit (JHV) intervention, designed by Sally Grantham-McGregor. The programme provides a comprehensive training package for trainers, supervisors and home visitors. It has been integrated with health, nutrition and social protection programmes in 15 countries. Read More →