Realizing the need to take stock of the available measurement tools and indicators that are important for ECD; to exchange experiences and streamline efforts; and to agree on how to ensure relevant data is captured and utilized to strengthen policies and services a Regional Meeting on Measurement of Early Childhood Development in Eastern and Southern Africa was organized in Kigali, Rwanda from October 24-27, 2023.
The meeting was co-organized by the United Nations Children’s Fund Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (UNICEF ESARO), the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO), the World Bank, the Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN), and the Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN), in collaboration with the Government of Rwanda.
The meeting brought together over 140 participants from 18 Eastern and Southern Africa countries: Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Comoros, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Participants included government delegates from relevant ministries (health, nutrition, education, child protection, community development), national statistical offices, academia, WHO and UNICEF staff and partners.
The meeting concluded with the development of country-specific action plans to strengthen monitoring and evaluation of ECD policies and programmes in each of the participating countries.
Background materials
Concept note
List of participants (forthcoming)
Workshop proceedings
Day 1 recap
Day 2 recap
Day 3 recap
Meeting report (forthcoming)
Day 1
- Opening remarks by UN Resident Coordinator
- Welcome on behalf of co-organizers
- Official opening by Minister of Gender and Family Promotion, Rwanda
- Keynote: Monitoring enabling environments for young children
- The situation of young children in Eastern and Southern Africa
- What do the data tell us? Developing robust measurement systems that are relevant for ECD
- Measuring ECD outcomes at population-level (ECDI2030, GSED, AIM-ECD, uptake and harmonization efforts)
Day 2
- Country profiles for ECD
- Gaps and new developments
- Global ECD policy landscape
- Regional ECD policy landscape
- Kenya: Monitoring programme implementation
- Rwanda: ECD scorecard
- Tanzania: ECD dashboard
- Zimbabwe: M and E Framework
Day 3
Using data to strengthen systems
- South Africa: DataDrive2030
- Uganda: Using data to strengthen systems
Key considerations for routine information systems
- Malawi: Status of routine information systems (health, education, and other sectors)
- Uganda: Status of routine health and nutrition information systems
- Zambia: Status of routine health information system
Day 4
- Latest developments in measuring child development
- Closing remarks by UNICEF ESARO
- Closing remarks by WHO AFRO
- Official Closing by National Child Development Agency, Rwanda
Overview: Monitoring programme implementation
- Ethiopia: ECE inspection tool
- Rwanda: Monitoring programme implementation
- Mozambique: USAID Advancing Nutrition
Overview: Monitoring children’s development
Additional reference materials
- Global Scales for Early Development (GSED)
- Early Childhood Development Index 2030 (ECDI2030)
- Anchor Items for the Measurement of Early Childhood Development (AIM-ECD)
- Countdown to 2030 – Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development
- The Nurturing Care Framework: Indicators for Measuring Responsive Care and Early Learning Activities
- Measurement Tools and Indicators for Assessing Nurturing Care for Early Childhood Development: A Scoping Review